How Often Should You Aerate? Insights from Little Rock's Exterior Solutions

A lush, green lawn is the pride of any homeowner, but achieving and maintaining a healthy lawn requires regular care and attention. One important aspect of lawn maintenance is aeration. But how often should you aerate your lawn?

As your trusted local landscaping experts in Little Rock, Arkansas, Exterior Solutions is here to provide you with insights and tips to help you achieve a vibrant and thriving lawn. So, put on your gardening gloves, grab your aerator, and let's dive into the world of lawn aeration!

Understanding Lawn Aeration

Before we discuss how often to aerate, let's first understand what aeration is and why it is crucial for a healthy lawn. Lawn aeration involves creating small holes or "plugs" in the soil to improve air circulation, water absorption, and nutrient uptake. Over time, lawns can become compacted due to foot traffic, heavy equipment, or clay soil. Compaction restricts the movement of air, water, and nutrients, leading to shallow root growth, poor drainage, and a lackluster lawn.

How Often Should You Aerate? 

The frequency of lawn aeration depends on various factors, including soil type, lawn usage, and overall lawn health. Here are some guidelines to help you determine how often you should aerate your lawn:

1. Soil Type: 

Clay soils are more prone to compaction than sandy or loamy soils. If your lawn has heavy clay soil, it is recommended to aerate once or twice a year. Aeration helps break up the compacted soil and improves its structure, allowing roots to penetrate deeper and access essential nutrients and moisture.

2. Lawn Usage:

If your lawn receives heavy foot traffic from kids, pets, or frequent outdoor gatherings, it is more likely to become compacted. High-traffic areas should be aerated more frequently, typically once a year, to alleviate compaction and promote healthy root growth.

3. Thatch Buildup:

Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and debris that accumulates between the soil surface and the grass blades. Excessive thatch buildup can hinder water and nutrient absorption, making aeration necessary. If your lawn has a thick thatch layer (over half an inch), consider aerating once a year to help break down the thatch and improve overall lawn health.

4. Lawn Health Indicators:

Observe your lawn for signs of compaction or stress. If you notice pooling water after rainfall, patchy areas, or yellowing grass despite proper care, it may be time to aerate. These signs indicate poor water drainage, shallow root systems, and nutrient deficiencies, all of which can be addressed through regular aeration.

Best Time to Aerate 

While the frequency of aeration depends on the factors mentioned above, it's essential to choose the right time of year for the process. In Little Rock, Arkansas, the ideal time to aerate cool-season grasses like fescue and ryegrass is in the early fall. Aeration during this time allows the grass to recover and grow vigorously before winter while minimizing weed competition. For warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass and Zoysia grass, the best time to aerate is in late spring or early summer when the grass is actively growing.

Tools and Techniques

To aerate your lawn effectively, you can choose between two primary methods: spike aeration and core aeration. Spike aeration involves puncturing the soil with solid tines, while core aeration removes small plugs of soil from the ground. Core aeration is generally more effective as it alleviates compaction, allows for better airflow, and encourages stronger root development. You can rent or purchase a core aerator or hire professionals like Exterior Solutions to ensure proper aeration techniques and optimal results.

Additional Lawn Care Tips

While aeration is a crucial part of lawn maintenance, it's important to complement it with other lawn care practices for the best results. Here are a few additional tips:

Regular Mowing

Maintain the proper mowing height for your grass type and mow regularly to promote healthy growth and prevent thatch buildup.

Proper Watering 

Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Avoid shallow and frequent watering, as it promotes shallow root systems and weakens the grass.


Apply appropriate fertilizers at the right time to provide essential nutrients for your lawn's specific needs. Soil testing can help determine the right fertilizer composition and application schedule.

Weed Control

Implement effective weed control measures, such as pre-emergent herbicides and targeted weed removal, to prevent weed competition and keep your lawn looking pristine.

Exterior Solutions: Little Rocks’s Landscaping Experts


Aeration is a vital practice for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. By understanding the factors that influence the frequency of aeration and following the guidelines provided by Exterior Solutions, your local landscaping company in Little Rock, Arkansas, you can ensure optimal lawn health and beauty. Remember to consider your soil type, lawn usage, thatch buildup, and overall lawn health indicators when determining how often to aerate. And don't forget to aerate at the appropriate time of year for your grass type. With proper aeration and regular lawn care practices, you'll enjoy a lush and thriving lawn that becomes the envy of your neighborhood.


Exterior Solutions, LLC

Professional residential and commercial landscaping and maintenance services